Alaska type fishing in your backyard.
T h e U p p e r S a cThe Upper Sacramento is one of the most easily accessible, lightly fished and hands-down beautiful rivers in the entire state of California - with many access points eight minutes or less from Shasta Creek.
M c C l o u d R i v e rHome to the historic McCloud strain of Rainbow trout, the McCloud River is unlike any other, cascading through sections of boulder-strewn pocket riffles and one emerald pool after another.
L a k e S i s k i y o uThis 430-acre, ridiculously beautiful lake is less than one mile from Shasta Creek and is most often fished for trout, of which they abound. Cast streamers (or lures) to outcroppings and stump fields and you will certainly be rewarded.
T h e L o w e r S a cThe Lower Sacramento River below Shasta Dam is one of the best rated tailwater fisheries in the entire country and its wild Rainbows are big, tough, and plentiful.
C o l d C r e e k
Cold Creek runs hundreds of feet north to south on this beautiful property. With riffles and pockets, there is no shortage of hiding places for beautiful mountain creek trout. Cold Creek is planted with hatchery fish from April to June, but also holds some large trout which the locals refer to as "Cold Creek Monsters." Cold Creek is best fished with a 2# or 3# 7.5' fly rod.